BT+ (Videos)

Push Da Button

The first official Butterfly Toungz’ music video. The title track is from their second album Adversity.

It also aired on a national music video TV show back in 2006.

At Da Bottom

The second Butterfly Toungz’ music video. This track is also from their second album Adversity.


The third Butterfly Toungz’ music video release from their second album Adversity.

Life Goes By...

The fourth Butterfly Toungz’ music video from their second album Adversity.

The track itself is a haunting tale about teenage suicide.


A fan-made music video by Indiana’s own Wayne “The Barfly” Bertsch featuring Butterfly Toungz’ first single Monday! from their freshman album Wide. Open. Spaces.

That Time of Year w/Friends

A holiday-inspired music video featuring Richard Cook and N-Afek from the legendary Indiana super group Justice League.

The track is off Butterfly Toungz’ holiday EP from 2009 entitled That Time of Year Holiday Remixes.